Sunday, October 28, 2007

Farmers Market Booty II

6 quarts of raw milk for us to drink this week.

1/2 case of tomatoes for canning on Monday or Tuesday.

35 paletas for us to eat over the next several months - kept in the LOCKED freezer.

The decorated pumpkin made by Giselle.

The decorated then un-decorated pumpkin made by Paul.

We were disappointed this week as far as cucumbers were concerned - at 9 am the first customer of the day bought EVERY SINGLE cucumber that Edgar & Gayla had brought to The Market! I forgot to get eggplants even though this week might have been the end of them due to the unseasonably cold nighttime temps that we've been having. It's definitely the end of basil due to the cold but the greens are soon to come in.


Suz said...

your famers market booty looks sooo good! what are paletas?

Casa De Galletti said...

Mexican popsicles! The secret ones that those men on the bicycle carts keep in their iceboxes!