1 – Motivating the kids and myself to get up at 6 am last Sunday to go watch a building get blown up LIVE AND IN PERSON. How many times do you get to see something like that? I know that it’s the first time in 41 years that I’ve ever seen it happen.
2 – Free brushy pick-up from The City. I get to do my spring trimming and they take care of the mess.
3 – My friend Marie making lunch when we come over to play. Fruit salad, yummy yummy!
4 – Fellow homeschoolers for helping us to choose a ballet school for the fall. We haven't made a final choice but it's been narrowed down.
5 – Martha Stewart and her online recipe finder. I get the greatest ideas from her magazines but it’s so much easier to reference or index the actual recipes from online instead of trying to wing it and re-find them in my back issues.
6 – Motivating the kids and myself to get our coats on and have dinner be late just so that we could go watch the lunar eclipse. Once again, we got up and experienced real life instead of just watching it on TV.
7 – Again, the trust and love of my fabulous husband. I’ve got a feeling that I just might have to add him as a #8 or a 7b since I am always thankful for him but still feel the need to publicly acknowledge it.
Be sure to add a link to your Sunday Seven on Mister Linky
Experiencing real life is exhilaring. Sounds like a fun filled week. Praise the Lord for flexible husbands. I enjoyed your first Sunday Seven. I look forward to "peeking in on you next Sunday"
Good Morning! Thanks for the glimpse into your busy and blessed life. We're just starting to think about pre-school for our little one, so I can totally relate to your comments about narrowing down a good "ballet school." We're a long ways off from those type of activities . . . but we still had a tough time trying to find the right playgroup for our little chicken.
My first Sunday Seven is up!
You had a great week, and I don't think we can ever praise our good husbands enough! It always feels good to be appreciated.
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