Either she doesn't eat ANY of her own food or she's a purger. She's not a exercizer either as evidenced by the lack of arm muscle definition.
Never trust an emaciated chef!
TV : Giada De Laurentiis : Giada De Laurentiis : Food Network
Don't trust this one either!
This one I trust!
3 days ago
What?!? You don't like Giada? Why? What happened? Did you try to make something of hers and it didn't turn out? I was kinda liking Giada, but what do you know that I don't?
I hear you on Paula Deen. I Love Her Food!
I just don't believe that she is as great of a cook as they make her seem - she's a 'pretty face' that knows how to cook a bit who comes from a famous family. Does she LOOK like she ever eats any of that food? Her recipies seem good although today she made a 'mocha' frozen dessert that had no chocolate in it, just espresso coffee. Umm, that makes it a coffee frozen dessert, not mocha because you need coffe AND chocolate to make it mocha. Ahh, it just bugged me that she and that other lady are totally skeletal. I just have a hard time believing that someone who is so enthusiastic about food could be so scrawny. They don't look like they eat the food and then workout to burn it off (fit and trim), they just look like they don't eat at all.
I love Caprial Pence and her food is delicious and easy to cook and she looks real. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/102-4456882-3689710?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=caprial&Go.x=8&Go.y=9
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