Wow, I actually spelled that correctly on the FIRST try!
So I opened a bottle of the 2007 Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau for Thanksgiving and I have to say that I'm not happy with it this year. It didn't taste good with the turkey, it didn't taste good with the dressing, it didn't taste good with the cranberry sauce. It didn't taste good after dinner with nothing else.
I actually dumped the last third of the bottle down the drain. Yes, it was that bad!
I did buy 2 bottles - one for Thanksgiving and the other for Christmas - so maybe it'll taste better with ham (I'm thinking of having ham for Christmas dinner this year).
13 hours ago
Hey Natalie - just wanted to tell you that I was laughing my head off at your titles. I was feeling pretty bad about putting that video up after the first few entries - like maybe I am the meanest wife in the entire universe. Thank God someone out there understands my pain! Thanks for the titles.
I think if it didn't go well with any of those things, it won't go well with ham. I have dumped wine I didn't like, but only if I am not making stew or spaghetti sauce any time soon.
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