So this last Saturday the Market moved Finca Pura Vida to another spot due to the Sustainable Shopping Ball. This totally screwed them and we had loads of leftover product. Subsequently I went home with another 2 cases of Russian Black Plum tomatoes. I attempted making more sauce yesterday - this time I was going to make it more concentrated by cooking it for longer. Unfortunately in the last blenderfull of pureed tomatoes I added in an eggplant that was past it's prime - it had gotten seedy - and that added a bitterness that was impossible for me to get rid of. Doubley unfortunately I didn't taste it and notice the bitterness until AFTER I had been simmering it for 4 hours. So I turned off the burner, let it cool off and poured it out on my front garden as fertilizer. Fortunately I have 1 case left and I'm going to attempt it again, sans the eggplant!
Oh well, live and learn!!!!!
And Gayla said that if the lids sealed onto the hot jars and formed a vacuum then I did it right and the other sauce is perfectly fine - no botulism!
1 day ago
We were at the market and I couldn't find the booth you are usually in. Some new christmasie-type thing was where you guys usually set-up. I just thought maybe they kicked you out of the market that week. Where WERE you? I ended up buying produce from others around the market.
I thought that I saw Craig at the booth but I didn't see you 2 so I wasn't sure it was him. Just look for the purple tent - the only one in the market.
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