Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Wondering if your little girl's clothes, or even your own clothes, would be considered inappropriate to the rest of society? Then take these 6 "Truth or Bare" tests to find out http://www.secretkeepergirl.com/Truth_or_Bare.aspx

My personal jury is still out regarding swim suits - I LOVE being tan and I prefer to wear suits that maximize my ability to get a full tan. BUT I'm 43 and don't have the body of a 27 yr old so I don't wear suits designed for a 27 yr old. I know that I shouldn't put myself out there in my bikini but I love my tan!

The same goes for Giselle, I don't see her bikinis as being sexual and I try to find affordable modest styles. But if I feel that a shirt that shows her belly is inappropriate then why don't I feel that a bikini showing her belly is inappropriate?

But it's at the pool/beach/backyard so it's different. But is it? Time to reevaluate more of my opinions.

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