Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Who would play you?

Donna at Quiet Life has a fun post going on http://booshay.blogspot.com/2008/04/amy-j-and-i-bumped-into-one-another.html where she asks who you would have play you in the movie of your current life. I'm going to continue that here but instead of telling me I want you to post a picture of that person on YOUR blog. Please play along!

I said Andie MacDowell minus the fake hair color - mine is white and dark brown and I'm sure that hers would be also if she didn't color it.

the above picture is from here

Joe would say Cher in the movie Moonstruck.

I started this post just before school this am and just now finished it at 3:15. It's impossible to find any stills of Cher from Moonstruck that are the ones that I want.

EDITED ON 4/30/08 TO ADD: Joe found this one for me

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