Thursday, April 24, 2008

I gave blood again

Yesterday we went to the local blood and tissue center because it was time for me to give blood again. This makes 7 times that I've donated since last February! Giselle asked the woman at the front desk how many people donate each day and she said "About 70." We did the math: 70 pints = 35 quarts = 8.75 gallons donated every day! If I continue to give blood 6 times a year I will hit the 1 gallon mark next time I donate, I'll hit the 5 gallon mark in another 5 years. It'll take me 6.6 years to donate each 5 gallons, so I'll need 11.6 years until I hit 10 gallons and I'll hit 20 gallons 25 years from now. That'll be a total of 160 pints donated, with each one of them possibly saving a life, so that's the potential of me saving 160 lives! WOW! Now doesn't THAT make you want to go and give blood today?

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