Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday Night Friends Night

Last FNFN we had tacos with ALL the fixings, I brought the fixings (lettuce, guac, pico, salsa, cheese, Daisy sour cream, tomatoes, olives). The prior time for Alva's birthday I picked up the cake - red velvet with cream cheese icing - HEB did a great job. I think the time before that I got dessert - Heath Klondike Bars and Blue Bell Krunch Bars. For tonight I'm assigned 'a side dish' - that's a tough one! I did a side dish another time - some Finca Pura Vida squash - that only some of the adults ate. No store-bought potato salad or coleslaw - blech!
It's raining right now so I'll look through my cookbooks, pantry and freezer to come up with something before we go to the park.
Wish me luck!

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