Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The last Biscuit Brother show of the year for us

Tonight's show was at Whole Foods and was the last of the year for us. In the meantime we'll have to live off of our DVD's and TiVo to tide us over.

The free show ended up costing us $30 for dinner from the Whole Foods carry-out bars - a meal of 1 chicken enchilada, beans, rice, sour cream and 2 strips of fajita beef for each kid, a bowl of fruit salad, some Greek orzo salad (really good - black olives, feta, orzo, cilantro, pine nuts, olive oil, and some kind of vinegar), some spicy sauteed zucchini and 1 small cup of gelatto ($30.26).

1 comment:

Jamie said...

We've happened across a couple live shows of the B.B., but we can't really seem to get into them. And, Kayla will NOT watch their T.V. show either.

The songs don't seem kid-friendly. For instance they were singing a x-mas song, but the changed all the words. Kayla's still trying to figure out the REAL words to Rudolph.

Maybe they are for slightly older kids?? Tell us what it is that we're not getting. We'll keep trying and I'll let you know if our opinion of them improves.